Monday 19 August 2019
Into The Dark Half
Things may appear to have been somewhat quiet over the last few months, but quite a lot has been afoot behind the scenes.
On a personal note, the heir apparent to this publishing enterprise started school. Future readers are now in the process of, er learning to read! And the best of luck to her.
In other news, some Beul Aithris titles are now available to order instore and online with Waterstones, and also with Foyles. So we are starting to expand distribution! We would also like to include independent bookshops in this, so please get in touch at if you own one of those fine establishments!
The last release, From Badgers To Nighthawks: Adventures Of A Wildlife Ranger by Malcolm J Ingham has been an amazing success. So many congratulations to him!
Elaine May Smith has busy on a signing tour with her books, including Wee Bunny Book. Read all about it here.
Rick Hale has started a regular Ask A Ghost Hunter live video on Facebook, more details of which, can be found at the Paranormal Past Times group here. He also continues to be a regular contributor at the Spooky Isles, and you can enjoy his articles here.
M J Steel Collins has expanded further into Glasgow lore, also on Spooky Isles, where she looks at the strange legend of the Gurning Man of Crosshill - read all about it here.
And finally, keeping in with the shared team of Spooky Isles and Beul Aithris authors, Ann Massey recently had a music video made incorporating her book Dark Emerald Tales by the German band Complete! Enjoy.
Ann's work can also be read on Spooky Isles here.
To find out more about the books by the aforementioned authors, please check out the Beul Aithris book directory here.
There will be more titles in the forthcoming months, including what is believed to be the first Paranormal Cook Book by Ally Reid, a book of Scottish Witch Memorials by his Scottish Paranormal team mate Gregor Stewart, The Curse of Peg O'Nell or The Demon of The Well by Daniel Nicholas Cobban, a further title on Irish hauntings by Ann Massey and a folklore title by Eric L Fitch!