Saturday 20 October 2018

Online Shop and Digital Directory

The current Beul Aithris website is going to be replaced shortly with a brand spanking new one, so updates on that site will now cease and this blog will take up the slack until the new site is ready.

First of all, while all print editions of  Beul Aithris titles are available via Amazon and other retailers, they are also available for purchase direct via the online bookshop, which can be accessed by clicking this text.

Secondly, all titles previously only available digitally on the Kindle format are now available on the digital format of your choice! See below for more details.

Books are listed in order of release.

Uncanny Clydeside by M J Steel Collins

A read that takes you on a trip through  haunted railways, poltergeists, witch trials, bodysnatching and best of the Clydebuilt ships to wind up in California.

By The Dying Tree by Michael S Collins

Fox Squirrels, strange corner shops, mysterious shadows lurking  - you name it, it 's there in this eerie collection of short horror tales set in the enivrons of Glasgow

 My Life As A Scottish Paranormal Investigator by David Barrett

A rip-roaring read of investigating haunted locations the length and breadth of Scotland, England, Ireland and Romainia, David has had quite an adventurous life. 

Ghosts of Scotland by Gregor Stewart
Scotland is often said to be one of the most haunted countries in the world. Find out why in this collection of ghostly folklore

 Diary Of A Shapeshifter by Kevin Patrick McCann
The world isn't quite what it seems in this collection of poetry, and riddles for children.
This Isle Is Full Of Monsters: Shakespeare's Audiences And The Supernatural by Jon Kaneko-James
Shakespeare's plays and those of his contemporaries was suffused with the supernatural. Discover their background and learn how early modern society related to the supernatural.
 Dark Emerald Tales by Ann Massey O'Regan

Go on a journey into Ireland's past, right up to the present in the exploration of Irish folklore and hauntings. From the Banshee and the Dullahan, to what walks Leap Castle, the Emerald Isle will haunt your dreams after reading this book. 

 The Unseen World: Afterlife Research by Ryan O'Neill

The much anticipated publishing debut by paranormal truthseeker Ryan O'Neill explains everything from different levels of consciousness, NDE's, paranormal investigation and a guide to some haunted locations he has investigated.

 Behold! Shocking True Tales Of Terror... ...And Some Other Spooky Stuff by Rick Hale

Rick Hale has lived and breathed the paranormal from an early age. This charts his adventures helping the haunted, his favourite haunted locations, and ultimately, his greatest battle. Interspersed with information on the finer points of the field, Chicago's inveterate ghost hunter will make you laugh and look over your shoulder at the same time

 How do you become a demonologist? Read how I J Ainsley fell into the realm of the paranormal and his hair raising experiences in this new book


Wednesday 17 October 2018

A Troika of Spooky Reading

After lots of very hard work going back several months, Beul Aithris has published not one, not two, but three paranormally tinged books in the last month! The paperbacks can be ordered now on Amazon.

First up, Ann Massey O'Regan's Dark Emerald Tales, which explores Irish folklore and hauntings. There are very few titles of this calibre available on Irish folklore, so enthusiasts will no doubt enjoy this journey from the origins of Irish mythology right up to the modern day hauntings of Dublin's Hellfire Club, Leap Castle and Loftus Hall, to name but a few. This is Ann's first book, available now on Amazon. Direct Link

Next, we have Ryan O'Neill's The Unseen World: Afterlife Research. This looks at the experiences that brought the paranormal into Ryan's life and how it became his passion. It also explores numerous themes within parapsychology, such as Outer Body Experiences, Near Death Experiences, the tenets of investigating a haunted location, a glossary of paranormal terminology and a guide to Scottish haunted locations Ryan has investigated. Ryan is very popular in the paranormal field, with his group, Scottish Paranormal. This is his highly anticipated first book, available now on Amazon. Direct Link.

 Finally, Rick Hale's Behold! Shocking True Tales of Terror... ...And Some Other Spooky Stuff, which is Rick's autobiography detailing his adventures as a paranormal investigator and what was, ultimately, the biggest challenge of his life. Intersperesed with information and facts on the theme of each chapter, it's an entertaining, educational and emotional read. The cover art was provided by the artist Mark Hetherington. This is Rick's second book, available on Amazon. Direct Link.

Monday 17 September 2018

The Nights Are Fair Drawing In!

Work is well underway for the Hallowe'en books by Ryan O'Neill and Rick Hale due out in a month. And before that, we have Ann Massey O'Regan's Dark Emerald Tales! It's certainly the weather to be sitting with a good book, and there's nothing like a scary read when a storm is blowing a hoolie outside to stir the imagination.

The eerieness continues into the Christmas season with Ian Ainsley's title on demonology and Gregor Stewart's on Scottish Witch Memorials. The editing is certainly keeping the computer busy here (half of it had to get replaced recently thanks to the wear and tear of publishing).

There are also going to be some changes here at Beul Aithris. At present, the backlist of titles already available as ebooks on Amazon Kindle are being made available on other digital platforms, including Kobo, Google Play Books, Apple, Scribd and Barnes and Noble. It takes a little while to ensure it's done properly, but it will be done soon. Let's just say there are more books than thought. Once that's done, a concentrated effort is going to be made at expanding distribution to shops, so watch this space. That has admittedly started, though on a trickle basis. One person, so many jobs!

Another change is that in the new year, Beul Aithris will be getting a new website on a new server, so the current site is going to be closed after January. By then, the new one, with a friendlier URL for the non-Scots Gaelic speaker should be up. The online shop will remain, as will the usual social media.

So what else can you look forward to next year? Mal Ingham's memoirs (with a foreword by Mike McCartney aka Mike McGear of The Scaffold) will be out in April. It is currently being edited. And also a folk horror novel based on the legend of Peg O'Nell! I shall say no more just now...

Thursday 9 August 2018

Book Lover's Day

Technically, it could be be said that every day is a book lover's day. The average bookworm might be found packing the minimal amount of clothes in their suitcases to fit around the books (and packed Kindle), sizing up their epic to be read pile or indulging in a bit of Tsukundo.

Reading is a brilliant way to escape the world for a few hours, or even just get a few minutes peace and quiet during a busy day. An entire weekend free of plans, a decent book and a few hundred tea bags is definitley my idea of fun, my rock n roll clubbing days being somewhat behind me.

It might seem that there are probably quite a few days, and indeed weeks, dedicated to the cause of books and reading. Too much? Maybe not. There are a lot of who see reading as a waste of time. Sure, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but in a way, it's also sad. There are many benefits from reading. It's relaxing, it's educational, fiction can teach us many things about human relationships, it apparently does something for brain function - so it really should be encouraged.

One way of combatting that is dropping the book snobbery - as in a particular type of genre is snubbed as not being 'worthy'. Science Fiction and Horror are two notable examples, although at the same time, they are wildly popular with those who don't go for poser reading because a certain title is the in thing. Just because a genre isn't your cuppa, doesn't mean to say it won't fascinate someone else. I personally prefer attempting to hoover up every book on ghosts and hauntings under the sun, but I'm not one for UFOlogy. There are others who think tales of strange noises, and translucent apparitions are equivalent to watching paint dry, and find Roswell fascinating. Each to their own. The main thing is to read.

At the end of the day, there are books for everyone, even those who don't read.

Thursday 19 July 2018

News Galore!

I'm very pleased to say that Beul Aithris will be working with Scottish Paranormal on several books. Gregor Stewart made the following announcement on the Scottish Paranormal Facebook page last night:

We have a second big announcement for the day 😀 We have been approached by Beul Aithris Publishing, a Scottish based publishing house specialising in the Paranormal and Folklore, with the idea of a Scottish Paranormal book! The proposal is that we would write about some of the locations we have investigated, including the history, and our experiences and thoughts on these investigations. It could be a fantastic opportunity to bring not just a detailed analysis of investigations to the reader, but information on the equipment we use and our methods, which vary from old school to high tech, including how they work. All going well, it might also be one of a series of books :-)
Some of our team already have experience of working with Beul Aithris, they have published one of my earlier books, ‘Ghosts of Scotland’, and will be publishing Ryan’s new book, which is due out in October and is be sure to be a fascinating read covering his experience working in the paranormal field over the last decade plus. I also have a book due out with them for Christmas covering the witch memorials of Scotland and the witch trials associated with them, and Ally is currently working hard on a brand new type of paranormal book, which will be a tasty alternative to the other books already out there ;-) We will get the whole team involved in the writing of the Scottish Paranormal Book, with all proceeds going back into the team to pay for future locations and equipment to trial.
Think positive, work with and help others, and the opportunities will come

Gregor is fantastic author, with several books under his belt - his title with Beul Aithris is available  - details on the site.

Ryan O' Neill's book, The Unseen World,  is nearing the final stages of production and is a book that takes a more in depth look than others on the topic of the paranormal, which will give readers food for thought when it's released this Hallowe'en.  Meanwhile, chef Ally Reid's will certainly appeal to both culinary and ghost fans a like! The team book will be a valuable record of the work carried out by a paranormal team that is certainly on the up. Currently, Scottish Paranormal extensively investigate Balgonie Castle and another lively investigation was held at Bannockburn House, with more planned in future. Further information on Scottish Paranormal can be found at their site.

Another piece of good news is that Beul Aithris has featured in the Fortean Times book reviews for the first time, and it was a fantastic review. The recently published This Isle is Full of Monsters by Jon Kaneko-James was rated 4/5 and  was described thus:

This nice little book stresses that believers were a product of their time (which it analysises in an accessible way) not less intelligent than us post-Enlightenment types. And the tales of witches and the con artists who profited from them are terrific.

Jon's book can be ordered directly from Beul Aithris. It has also been getting some excellent reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, so highly recommended by readers! Jon also has his own blog (click here).

Finally, it won't be long until the publication of Dark Emerald Tales, an exploration of Irish mythology, folklore and hauntings from the mighty pen of Ann Massey O'Regan. She has previously contributed to the comic Wayward as resident folklorist, and is a regular contributor and editor of The Spooky Isles.

Ann also writes a blog, also called Dark Emerald Tales, where her work can be sampled (Beware the Dullahan!).  

The other releases due out later this year include the aforementioned The Unseen World by Ryan O'Neill and Rick Hale's BEHOLD! Shocking True Tales of Terror...and Some Other Spooky Stuff, both released this Halloween. At Christmas, we should have Iain Ainsley's book on his work as a demonologist. Ian is part of Project Paranormal, and a team mate of David Barrett, who has previously published his memoir, My Life as a Scottish Paranormal Investigator, with Beul Aithris. Project Paranormal are also working on a very exciting TV series about their work.  And also, Gregor Stewart's aforementioned title on Scottish witch memorials will be out for Christmas. 

Everyone mentioned has their own Facebook pages, so to keep up with them all, here is a handy pocket guide:

Scottish Paranormal
Ryan O'Neill (Haunted Scotland)
Jon Kaneko-James
Ann Massey O'Regan (Dark Emerald Tales)
Rick Hale
Ian Ainsley (Project Paranormal)
David Barrett

And Beul Aithris' own social media can be followed from the sidebar on the right!

Sunday 1 July 2018

Spooky Isles Profile Feature

Writer, Jon Kaneko -James features in the Spooky Isles, discussing This Isle Is Full Of Monsters - read it here!

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Some eBooks for Reviews

I used to be a book reviewer. It was quite a fun job. Read a book, write a few hundred or so words on it, keep the copy, get review in publication. Now I'm on the other side of that role, as I try to place Beul Aithris books for review in various places. It's quite a tricky job. In some cases, reviews aren't guaranteed, in others, there is a review backlog. And then there's finding the right publications in the right genre. I found one that looked great - except the last review was posted six months ago, so the search goes on.

Then there are the reviews by those who have been lovely enough to purchase the books produced by my rather lovely gang of authors. The biggest of them all is to get a review on Amazon, but sometimes it can be a tad tricky. You can ask people to leave a review of what they thought, but it's not something many people like to do. I tend to review every Kindle book I've acquired through Amazon. It seems a nice thing to do. Though I can see the other side of where review reluctance might creep in. It's not so much books I get this with, more on those occasions I get a random email asking me to review some screwdriver or other household item I've only managed to get get via Amazon. The time might not be right. Or I think, "It's a simple doohicky that does a simple thing. What else is there to say?"

But it is a different kettle of fish when it comes to books. They might be simple doohickies in their own right that you simply open and turn the page of, or swipe through the pages of on your chosen eBook reading device. But that's just the surface. A book is a whole lot more. It can take you places, escape from the everyday, make you think - in some cases change your life (thanks Neil Gaiman). You might utterly love it, or go think that's x-amount of time I'm never going to get back. But the point is, reading a book is an absorbing experience, be it postive or negative. And it is nice to know what people think of a book you have been involved in the production of.

Personally, I prefer the reviews of the readers on Amazon, Goodreads, or any other review platform that the general public can write their reviews on. I feel it gives a better picture of how the book is recieved. And some will like it, some won't.  That said, reviews in bigger publications, like newspapers, magazines and major websites - and also smaller sites and/or blogs are incredibly useful. Someone having a glance through might just find something that takes their fancy and go out of their way to procure a copy. A handy thing if you're selling books.

So, that said - I'm after reviews of Beul Aithris books. If you have bought one (a bajillion Karma points), please leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads or whatnot, even if it's just a short one (increase your Karma points - these things do help a small press!). If you are in the business of writing reviews for a site or local paper - whatever it is - please do get in touch via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (links can be found on the sidebar in this direction >>>slightly higher up than this text), or comment on this post, and I will sort you out with a free electronic copy. The selection of available books can be found here on the Beul Aithris website - see what takes your fancy.

And thanks in advance!

Monday 18 June 2018

Peering into the cold light of dawn

It appears to be good thinking to start a blog about my life as a small press publisher. Good promotion tool for the business check. Vehicle to promote my wares. Check. Also, just might be a good read and let folk into the behind the scenes process of what I do.

Beul Aithris Publishing was established in February 2017 as a vehicle for unusual books for a reasonable price. The main output is in the paranormal and folklore, but there are also some nice sidelines into children's titles, humour and history. So far about eight books have been published, including: Uncanny Clydeside by M J Steel Collins (er yes, me, but I needed someone to practice on, and why not my own manuscript!), By the Dying Tree by Michael S Collins.  the Wee Bunny Book by Elaine May Smith and Alison Stell, My Life as a Scottish Paranormal Investigator by David Barrett, Ghosts of Scotland by Gregor Stewart, The Wee Dugs by Red Raiph, Diary of a Shapeshifter by Kevin Patrick McCann, and This Isle is Full of Monsters: Shakespeare's Audiences and the Supernatural by Jon Kaneko-James.

Work is on the go for book nine, Dark Emerald Tales by Anne Massey O'Regan, a book of Irish folklore, and other titles are ongoing for Hallowe'en and Christmas release.

More info on Beul Aithris can be found at the official website, with details of where to buy the aforementioned books, which are also available direct, if Amazon isn't your thing. Beul Aithris also maintains a regular social media presence on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. See sidebar for details!